In Manatee County, we’re paying a price for failures caused by some on our Board of County Commissioners. If there’s a continued lack of leadership and preparation in place, we’ll pay an even higher price in the future.

Did you know the population of Manatee County has doubled in the last 30 years and by some estimates will double again in the next 25?

Jason knows that smart growth is good growth and that you can’t have the first without the second. He knows that it’s going to take strong leadership and dedication to prepare our county for the future and he’s committed to making smart decisions to protect Manatee county.

Some of our County Commissioners tried to implement a curfew during COVID so that Manatee county residents would be on lock down – so that residents couldn’t leave their homes duringcertain times. Jason wants to protect the RIGHTS of the citizens of Manatee county against this
type of government overreach. He believes in the innate liberty of the people to make their
OWN decisions and NOT be controlled by big government.

The list goes on …
• Commissioners aren’t being proactive in preparing our  community for the future – the infrastructure is not where it needs to be to support the influx of people moving to Manatee County.

• Commissioners are not strategically setting aside enough land for parks, playgrounds, or schools. Then, we the people end up paying double or triple the price for the land to build.

And who remembers waking up to learn that a 480-million-gallon cesspool of toxic waste had sprung a leak, endangering half the people living in the area.

Guess what folks… ourCommissioners knew about the potential of this leak for years and did nothing to fix it. They could have planned, but instead they let the problem fester, and ultimately caused horrific problems in the area. Jason knows this isn’ leadership and this isn’t taking necessary action to protect the people.

So how can we stop things like this from happening again? How does Jason KNOW we make sure our streets are safe and that we continue to enjoy our freedoms?

1. It’s seeing a problem and fixing it before it becomes a calamity.

2. It’s protecting our quality of life so that all who live and work here can enjoy what we have to offer.

3. It’s about preserving the pristine environment we have, the beaches we enjoy, and ensuring that we are never again put at risk by an environmental nightmare.

4. It’s ensuring that those who protect our streets and playground can afford to live in the county where they work.

5. It is also ensuring that our county government doesn’t over reach the people’s requests

6. It’s about leadership. EVEN when leadership is hard.

Truth be told it’s about standing up for what’s right and not bowing. It’s about being a true leader and that is part of who Jason is. He’s dedicated to creating a safe and prosperous Manatee county. He’s dedicated to the residents’ health and happiness and he’s dedicated to doing what’s RIGHT, even when there’s resistance from the opposition.

It’s the kind of Marine he was. It’s the kind of Commissioner he’ll be.